Weight Management Services

Weight Management Specialist Referral 

If your BMI >= 30 (or >= 27.5 for BAME) then you are entitled to support from the NHS Weight Management Services MoreLife or Gloji.

We can refer you to this specialist service.

Fill out this short form to be referred

Read about MoreLife

Read more about Gloji



WellBN Weight Loss Wednesdays at WellBN

This program provided by WellBN clinicians and supports WellBN patients on their weight loss journey by providing lifestyle advice and
information. It caters to those using weight loss medications, considering medications, or focusing on
lifestyle changes alone. We have built a thriving community with our popular group online meetings, which
regularly attract up to 100 attendees. While large meetings can feel intimidating, we are proud of the
non-judgmental, supportive space we have created.

Meeting Details

 When: Last Wednesday of each month at 10 AM (online via Teams)

How to join: Fill out this registration form

Joining Link: Sent the day before the session.

Please note: Appointments may show a different time due to system constraints, but we’ll notify you of any changes.



Interactive Sessions:

Engage via chat or discussions.

Comfort First:

Cameras and active participation are welcome but optional; observing quietly is
perfectly fine.


Respect the privacy of all participants. Private discussions with a clinician can
be arranged if needed.

Each session includes:

• Updates on medical routes for weight loss.
• An interactive discussion on one of eight key topics (detailed below). The content evolves, so you’ll gain new insights even if attending the same topic again.


Eight-Session Topic Cycle

1. Overview – Lifestyle changes and medical interventions.
2. Circadian Rhythm – How daily rhythms affect weight and health.
3. Sleep – Prioritizing and improving sleep.
4. Diet – Making informed food choices.
5. Gut Health – Enhancing gut health for weight management.
6. Community – The strength of shared journeys.
7. Stress – Managing stress hormones effectively.
8. Movement – The true benefits of movement beyond exercise.

chairs in the HR room

coat hanger outside HR room and next to the bathroom

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